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Apr 26, 2017

Reaching Them Early

By Majesty Robinson, College Adviser at North Duplin High School | April 21, 2017 Reaching students at an early age is a critical move when it comes to ensuring their future academic success. The sooner we reach our students, the better. This is especially true when working with those who will be first-generation college students.… 

Apr 26, 2017

ENDrollment Process: Climbing The Steps Towards Your Journey

By Riketta Norfleet, College Adviser at Plymouth High School | April 14, 2017 Going into the month of April is considered crunch-time for our seniors who are less than two months away from graduation. April can include so many different things for our students;  such as Spring Break, finishing up their Senior Projects, preparing for prom… 

Mar 31, 2017

Where’s the Money?

By Sarah Akiwumi, College Adviser at East Duplin High School | March 31, 2017 Well, it’s that time of the Year again! What time do you ask? Financial Aid Award letter time! This is the time when students figure out how they will pay for their called college education. Imagine if the majority of the scholarships… 

Feb 27, 2017

The Road to College Success

By Anna Jenkins, College Adviser at Riverside High School | February 22, 2017 As a First-Year College Adviser, learning from the more experienced College Advisers during training was extremely beneficial, but you never really know what to expect until you are out in the high school environment to see for yourself. I believe the trials… 

Feb 16, 2017

On the Road to Success!

By Elizabeth Bryant, College Adviser at Louisburg High School | February 16, 2017 Louisburg High School Seniors are on the road to success! Recently, Larry Wilson and Elizabeth City State University Admissions Counselor admitted six of our Seniors on the spot! He was able to meet one-on-one with 15 of our Seniors, and advise them… 

Jan 26, 2017

Planting Seeds

By Veronica Tapia, College Adviser at Heide Trask High School | January 26, 2017 As I entered my first summer training with the NC State College Advising Corps (NC State CAC), I was constantly reminded to “trust the system” and to remember that we are “planting seeds.” Trusting the system meant trusting that each programmatic goal and… 

Jan 20, 2017

Tall Scholarships, Music Scholarships, and Zombie Scholarships, Oh My!

By Amira Alexander, College Adviser at James Kenan High School | January 20, 2017 Are you an anxious parent, worried about applying and paying for your student’s college education? Or are you an over-prepared junior eagerly seeking out free money for your future endeavors? Boy, do I have some clues for you. There are many… 

Mount Olive college rep meets with a Southern Wayne student

Oct 10, 2016

The Value of Meeting in Person…

By Kayli Richter, College Adviser at Southern Wayne High School | October 5, 2016 How do you show students their opportunities? Applying to college is a stressful, confusing and complicated process. But how do you even learn about your options, about what college is, and about what is out there for YOU? How can we… 

Sep 8, 2016

Discovering the Why…

Discovering the Why… By Sable Scott, College Adviser at North Moore High School | September 8, 2016 I want you to join me on a little journey. Think back to you of five years old, the age old question that you were asked, and what your response was. I was a little girl, too sassy…